Hello, Internet

I absolutely love over-engineering things. I know that’s maybe a controversial opinion, but hear me out. I don’t work day-to-day as a developer, I teach complete beginners how to code. That means a lot of “can we do X with Y?”-type questions which often cover scenarios I hadn’t ever considered. I do a lot of poking and prodding around the edges of what we teach and that’s grown into a desire to do a lot of poking and prodding at the edges of my own knowledge.

Which is why I enjoy overthinking a problem. When I try to build stuff I’m not trying to streamline it and shoot for maximum efficiency, I’m trying to see if I can make something work. Learning how to do it better is the obvious next step but going straight to optimising the code and ensuring that all the relevant design patterns have been followed is (in my opinion, anyway) utterly pointless without understanding why it even works in the first place.

This site will be a chronicle of my attempts at learning Cool New Things. I’ll write stuff up and try to post links to working projects when I have them somewhere close to finished. Feedback is always welcome (once I get round to switching on comments), as are suggestions for where to go next!